Risk Assessment

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Research - Films that have inspired us

Sinister (2012)

 This recent horror film inspired me because of its continuous low key lighting that always built up the suspense and causes my nerves to stay on edge. I also liked the use of Camerawork, how it was used to make suspense by leaving wide gaps beside the protagonist, suggesting movement or impending doom. I would like to use this in my sequence to build up tension.

Paranormal Activity (2007)

This film inspired me by using camerawork, editing and sound (or little use of) to help build tension with realism. By making the footage look amateurish and even sound amateurish it makes the audience relate to the film more and it becomes more believable. I would like to implement this into my sequence to give the illusion of a real story to makes it more believable. 

Woman In Black (2012)

I was inspired by the use of sound and camerawork in this film. The camerawork is used to great effect to suggest the protagonist is not alone and as it appears nothing is happening behind or beside him, the audience is feeling the tension build up as suspense continues to build also. The use of sound in this also inspired me because it uses a slow beat and as tension builds so does the sound's beat. Also, the use of lighting in this is very effective because whilst the protagonist is surrounded in dark, low key lighting the background and suspicious areas are often lit up with an eerie twilight effect, so that the viewer can see exactly what is happening, and what the protagonist is unaware of. 

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Props, Actors and Costume

The props we need for our opening scene are:

- Walking Stick
- Alcahol Bottles
- Back Pack
- Torches
- Mobiles Phones
- Sleeping bags/camping equipment

Our actors include:

- Euan
- Daniel
- Meg
- Sarah
- Stephen
(All as the teenagers that visit the abandoned taxi office for Halloween.)

And the costumes we will use are casual, believable attire for Verisimilitude:

- It will be cold and dark taking place during the middle of the night so hoodies, jackets and full-length trousers/jeans will be used
- Halloween masks and outfits

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Film Proposal

TITLE: “The Missing”

Halloween night, a group of teenagers go into an old abandoned Taxi office. (A friend knows a humour about the plane crash in world war two and shows the others before they go in)
See’s a flash back of the group going in around evening for the night as a dare. The teenagers are sitting around drinking alcohol and having a generally good time.
Someone starts to notice and hear odd happenings that no one else can. 
Themes of horror are started to be explored when the person (who firsts notices noises) go missing and start to explore and see the possible threat/ghost (Although the group never see the threat, the audience catch glimpses.
When the big group discover the person missing and goes looking, panic begins and becomes trapped. Cuts during panic scenes to serene other children in the park talking about going into the taxi office for a night for a scare. 
Three Years Later “We should go in there on night”, “No way, don't you remember what happened to those kids?”  
Cuts to the ghost in the back ground and catches subtle glimpses of threat.

We’re including, in the opening, a title sequence to build tension and suspense, were going to do this by following the first three steps of the Todorov guideline:
A state of equilibrium (Teenagers having fun, general Halloween night dare)
A disruption of the equilibrium (First person goes missing, things disappear.. ect)
A recognition that there is a disruption (Starts to panic at aspect of the super natural, being attacked, but sight is obscure to audience)
Ending this scene on cliff hanger and cutting to a scene in the future where another group of kids want to go into the taxi office at night. This creates tension as the audience knows the previous history although not in detail.

Audience Profile
15+ years
Teenagers and young adults will be able to relate more to the sequence as their age group are featured.
Not gender specific

On the socio-economic scale, it will be more popular to grade C2 - E because of the audience that generally fit into those grades are younger and will appreciate the sequence more.
Explorers, strugglers and aspirers because they’re interests best suit our genre and themes of the sequence. 
Soft horror and comedy will be included to connect with the type of audience we wish to appeal to.
We think the sequence should be labelled a 15 because of the use of alcohol, age group features and phycological scenes of entrapment.

Influence on:
Women in black
Paranormal Activity

We can exhibit the sequence first through a private screening of family friends and later release it on Youtube and Facebook.

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An introduction to the group and our ideas for our Short Film.

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Thriller Diagram

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