Research: Title Sequences

Title Sequences

I like this title sequence because it sets the origin and the scene, as well as setting a dark, mysterious atmosphere using sound and picture. This title sequence uses its own custom font creating originality, it’s also rendered to move and become 3-D. The colour of the font is rich gold, resembling greatness or in this case ‘muchness’ and contrasts greatly with the dark sky and extremely dull city of London below. We know the city is London because in the background, as the camera swoops down from the sky and trails back we see the symbolic Big Ben to set the upcoming scenes. A range of effects are used such as lighting effect to create a glare behind the font to create emphasis and awe. Others like clouds and extreme darkness add to the atmosphere and suggest thriller and enigma.

I think the title sequence for Sucker Punch is very effective because it first introduces the audience to the protagonist and strongly sets the origins of her. It sets the seen with lighting and camera work and creates an atmosphere using dark, dull colours with brash lightning strikes, this emphasizes the shock to come. I like how towards the end of the scene, the title is finally revealed to the audience as it is merged in with the scene itself. Rain falls (pathetic fallacy) and as it lands and drips down a car window of which Babydoll (the protagonist) is seated, the rain is forced to shape into the words ‘Sucker Punch’ and ultimately sets the scene. I like the use of effect to merge the title with its surroundings, making it seem as one and less disruptive. Various different shades of blue and dull shades of grey with little use of other colours emphasize the emotions involved within the title sequence. Sadness and loneliness arevery strong here and the colours uses emphasize this, even the style of the title (made of rain) can symbolize tear drops and the sorrow Babydoll Is being put through. I think I could use the idea of colours and their conventions to represent emotions felt could be used in my title sequence well.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part1
In this title sequence, the scene starts in the dark ominous clouds in the sky at night during a storm, this itself reflects the film to come, it gives a teaser to the audience of what to expect and is already setting the scene and atmosphere as dull, sad and tragic all at the same time. And so far only the Warner Bros logo has been seen. Here, an effect is used to bring forth the logo and whilst doing so the silver metal rusts and begins to peel. This furthermore suggests the future within the movie isn’t good and is likely to fall apart. Also, a soundtrack is used to emphasize this atmosphere. As the logo draws closer to the screen the music becomes more and more eerie only to turn into a very high pitch, and continuously heightening tone that creates extreme suspense during a moment of complete darkness. Only after this passes the soundtrack quietens and the image slowly reveals from the clouds the film title. The title itself is made of dull silver, floating amongst the stormy weather. I like the suspense used here created using soundtrack and image. I find the effects useful in giving my ideas for my own opening titles, especially the use of sound to accompany it. 

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