Initial Idea - Change of plans + Recce Report (new)

Recently our group has received feedback for our opening sequence... unfortunately it wasn't what we expected and now need to either change the existing footage drastically... or start again. We decided to start fresh now that we know exactly what we need to do. We met up during winter break and got some ideas together as well as developing the titles themselves. I think we need to keep this piece as simple as possible, I don't think we need a lot of material within the opening to make it effective, it just needs as many, subtle and striking techniques as possible. Which our first piece lacked greatly. Our further inspiration comes from the opening sequence to Seven as well as Jack Reacher. This put together with films such as Sinister and Paranormal Activity, I believe can make an interesting opening sequence. 

Summary : We changed our initial idea and storyboard because the first lacked techniques and conventions and required to be re-filmed and altered to include them correctly.

RECCE REPORT: We have chosen to film in a new location to better suit our new storyboard. Our first location includes Pinmill woods and Meg's boat, our 2nd location includes the decorating/construction rooms in college. We will be filming in the woods during the day and at dusk to capture the best lighting under the canopy of the trees as well as getting an eerie darkened atmosphere. We also chose to film in college so that we could get silent, dark rooms to set up a scene with our props without being disturbed. The pros of these locations include natural lighting (at pinmill) and a creative set (at college). However at pinmill woods we could suffer weather conditions and health and safety risks as well as problems with equipment being able to adjust to outside, wooded conditions. Ultimately the college room is ideal for us so that we can create exactly the set we need without weather conditions or sound pollution.

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