Props, Actors and Costume

For our main prop in this sequence we'll be using this book on dark magic. After the inspiration from Seven we really want to focus on smaller details of the book and objects used by the antagonist. This means close up shots, slow camera movement and fading cuts. We want to enforce enigma around this character using props, so this book on dark magic automatically suggests something is not quite right. Second with have a candle light and liquid wax, I think these will be effective to set the mood of the atmosphere and will only give enough light to focus on the character and props. Not the surroundings. Aside from this we have a notepad for the character to write rune symbols on. The costume on our character does not matter because we won't be seeing anything apart from his hands and face. However, close-attention to make-up will be added for effect. We want to use make-up to age the antagonists face and hands and to give him a darker aproach.

We want to introduce vocals to our soundtrack to give a more ritualistic approach to the scene that involved pagan magic. 

We're going to try out many different ideas to make this opening sequence as effective as possible, using lit candles, dark, warm lighting and perhaps 'bad film' effect to emphasize an aged atmosphere of religion, ritual and magic. 

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